God of the Fly
Have you ever wondered about the name, “Baalzebub?” The name is comprised of two Hebrew words—Baal meaning “lord or god,” and Zebub meaning, “to move here and there quickly,” referencing flies.
Have you ever wondered about the name, “Baalzebub?” The name is comprised of two Hebrew words—Baal meaning “lord or god,” and Zebub meaning, “to move here and there quickly,” referencing flies.
Learn with Pastor Chuck Swindoll from God’s fatherly example. Even if you endured a difficult upbringing, discover how you can model God’s love and delight in your children today.
Beginning days are often the hardest ones. Chuck Swindoll says, “How do we learn consistent faith? We learn it one day at a time. We learn it through endurance.” He’s right. As you walk into a new situation, don’t lose heart. It’s just one more opportunity to grow and learn and trust.
Someone did the math and figured there are 7,474 promises in the Bible. Are they all for you and me to claim? Chuck Swindoll says there are two kinds of promises in the Bible: personal and universal. Learning to discern between the two is the challenge.
As citizens of heaven living on earth, we’re living in time but made for eternity. And as the old song, “This World Is Not My Home,” by J.R. Baxter goes, “This world is not my home, I’m just a-passing through…. And I can’t feel at home in this world anymore.”
How specific are you in your prayers? When you talk to God, talk about your needs—don’t beat around the bush! God does His most ideal work when we are in an impossible situation. And He always proves Himself faithful.
Receive Pastor Chuck’s teaching on Psalm 139:13–18 as this experienced father and grandfather shares how parents can point their children God’s way!
When you welcome trials as friends for the good they do in your life, you can turn bad situations into opportunities to grow and mature. And what you think will certainly destroy you can actually be the very thing, which makes you.
Boot camp isn’t supposed to be easy, it’s meant to prepare people to defend their country against the enemy. It has the built-in ingredients to make you strong. There’s a sort of spiritual boot camp believers go through. It’s not easy, but God is using it ultimately for good.
Want to know how to walk in triumph in a world that's lost its way? In this Video Insight, Chuck Swindoll gives three essentials to help you walk well.