Clothed in Kindness
I wonder why we're so surprised when people are nice to us. As Christians being kind to others should be second nature, shouldn't it? Here are a few ways the Bible speaks about kindness.
We all make various acquaintances throughout our lives—people who come into our circle for a season and then move on. With some, we’re content to let them go. But with others, we’re not. Once an acquaintance turns into true friendship, we hold on more tightly to that friend. A friend is a favoured companion for whom we feel affection or esteem. Why is a friend favoured? Most likely, it has much to do with how we feel when we’re with him or her. A friend accepts us as we are and is patient with our faults. A friend points out our strengths and rejoices at our successes. A friend’s presence and listening ear fill a void in us and give our lives a sense of validation and greater depth.
Do you have such a friend? Do you know how to be that friend? These resources can help you recognize the need for friendship and develop the attributes that will make you a treasured friend to others.
A friend is always loyal,
and a brother is born to help in time of need.
(Proverbs 17:17 NLT)
I wonder why we're so surprised when people are nice to us. As Christians being kind to others should be second nature, shouldn't it? Here are a few ways the Bible speaks about kindness.
Two teens, Katelin Allert and Amy Fitzpatrick worked in the grocery store alongside Terra. They are followers of Jesus. They wanted to do something. And so they landed on a crazy God-ordained idea.
I have observed that things such as success, fulfilment, happiness, and contentment don't just happen. They accompany those who make wise decisions, read the right material, and choose the best friends.
As a Christian, I am to be a person of the spoken and written word. Those words should build, nurture, encourage and affirm. None of these develop quickly.
What kind of music does God prefer? Actually, what God prefers has nothing to do with the music—it has to do with the condition of our hearts. Worship is not primarily for us, it is offered to God.
Late on a Tuesday in August the text message came. “Mom had an aneurism. She's in a coma. Not expected to live 24 hours.” We were on a remote island and even a float plane wouldn't get us back in time.
Often the things we dislike in others are the very things we'd like to change about ourselves. But it's easier to concentrate on what others should change than what we should.
Christmases of my childhood were marked by monumental events, few more exciting than the Sunday school program, which slammed the door on three months of school and opened another on two weeks of holidays.
Honesty is the quality of being genuine and uncorrupted. And from that core, like the trunk of a tree, it branches three ways.
I had never given the idea of compassion much thought until a few months ago when in the midst of a friend’s crisis, I felt gut wrenching pain and realized, for the first time, this was what true compassion felt like.