Blooming and Blossoming
One person really can make a difference. And you don’t have to be famous to impact this world. Each day there are opportunities to take a stand, speak in truth, and extend kindness.
One person really can make a difference. And you don’t have to be famous to impact this world. Each day there are opportunities to take a stand, speak in truth, and extend kindness.
Your commitment is what binds you and your spouse together for better or for worse...richer or sickness and health.
You’ve heard of the four spiritual laws, but probably not the four spiritual flaws. Here is Chuck Swindoll’s list created after 20 years in ministry.
By the end of this message, we want you to discover why it’s important to have a personal mission, decide what types of things need to be part of your personal mission, and then take some time to prayerfully write a first draft of your own mission statement.
Jesus certainly comes to mind when one thinks of passion, but so does another person in the New Testament: the Apostle Paul. He was a man with intense, driving convictions. His enemies would curse him, beat him, and stone him nearly to death, and he’d keep on preaching the gospel. He refused to run scared, to take it easy, or to play it safe. As long as there was breath in his lungs, the name of Christ would be on his lips, and the passion of God would throb in his heart.
Someone has defined failure as succeeding at something that doesn't really matter. Are you passionate about things that last? I hope so.
Should I, as a citizen of earth and Canada, always demand my rights or is there ever a time when as a Christian I should sacrifice my rights? Does being a citizen of heaven ever overrule my rights as an earthly citizen?
Why don’t we experience more victory in the Christian life? We have neglected the spiritual disciplines and opted for comfort and mediocrity. So now what do we do to find victory?
Erosion is never sudden. It happens over time as you change your standards and accept things once rejected. Erosion can happen in anyone’s life.
Temptations are dangerous because they invite you to get in over your head. And if you accept the invitation you’ll find all your energy is spent just trying to stay afloat. When it comes to temptation the best plan of attach is a hasty retreat.