A marriage is sick if there’s a lack of unity. Allow your partner the freedom to be, and to cultivate the gifts and strengths and abilities God has given him or her.
A marriage is sick if there’s a lack of unity. Allow your partner the freedom to be, and to cultivate the gifts and strengths and abilities God has given him or her.
There’s no other way to God than through Jesus Christ. By embracing a life of grace we can treat people not as they deserve but as God treats them.
Are you married? Single? Something else? Whatever your status, acceptance is key. Discontentment can rob you of your enthusiasm for life.
One person really can make a difference. And you don’t have to be famous to impact this world. Each day there are opportunities to take a stand, speak in truth, and extend kindness.
We think of the honeymoon as the beginning of the marriage—that initial burst of physical love—that period of passionate ecstasy between the wedding ceremony and the return to the normal responsibilities of everyday life. Nothing is wrong with thinking about the honeymoon in this way. But it does imply that the honeymoon is only for newlyweds and is only temporary.
Immediately upon the mention of the word “honeymoon,” most people picture a time of intimate romance and unrestrained physical affection between newlyweds. But God’s plan is for married couples to enjoy such delights without shame or reluctance until “death do us part.”
In a world where marriage is under attack by pressures outside and inside the Christian church, God’s people cannot abdicate. We have a responsibility to ourselves, to our world, and to our God to stand strong in our marital commitment.
Your commitment is what binds you and your spouse together for better or for worse...richer or poorer...in sickness and health.