Not Knowing Why
Complete knowledge doesn’t exist here on earth. I’m going to have to learn to live with unanswered questions and choose instead to act with grace and live in faith that one day I will know the whole story.
Complete knowledge doesn’t exist here on earth. I’m going to have to learn to live with unanswered questions and choose instead to act with grace and live in faith that one day I will know the whole story.
Over the years, though, I've come to realize it's important to be honest with our children when they ask those hard questions that don't have straightforward answers.
Many Christians assume that doubt is the opposite of faith. It isn't. Unbelief is the opposite of faith. And somewhere in between faith and unbelief lies the realm of doubt.
God wants us to worship Him from our hearts, and not just at church. God desires our worship each moment of every day.
We live in a world full of jargon. Chuck studied the Scriptures and found Psalm 23 has 73 per cent single-syllable words. The Lord’s Prayer has 76 per cent single-syllable words. First Corinthians 13 is 80 per cent single-syllable words. What does that teach us about communication?
No one can ignore authentic love. It’s unconditional, unselfish, and the Christian’s mark of distinction.
Authentic love is unconditional in its expression, unselfish in its motive, and unlimited in the benefits.
How often do you give the gift of love to others? If it’s in words then use the word “I” and include the word “love” and end with the word “you.” Real love is resilient. It never gives up. It stands firm.
Optimism, pessimism, suspicion, and fatalism all fail to present life as it really is. In contrast to these four ways we view life God tells us to live with a perspective characterized by reality, joy, trust, and hope.
When we treat others with indifference we are making an announcement to them, declaring, “I don’t love you.” Towards whom are you apathetic?