The A-B-Cs of Love
I accept you, I believe you’re valuable, I care when you hurt, I desire what’s best for you, and I erase all offences. Chuck Swindoll calls this the A-B-Cs of love.
I accept you, I believe you’re valuable, I care when you hurt, I desire what’s best for you, and I erase all offences. Chuck Swindoll calls this the A-B-Cs of love.
From 1 Corinthians 13, Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains why the call to love is the preeminent commandment. Rather than a feeling, love is ultimately a decision and an act of devotion to Christ.
Love is patient and kind, it’s not jealous, it doesn’t brag, love isn’t proud. Love never gives up on people—it never quits.
We can practice fellowship by seeing and getting in touch with the big picture and goal of showing God’s glory to the world. We do this in all the many ways He has instructed us in the Bible.
God cares about good leadership—the kind mentioned in Scripture, modelled by men and women who served their generations with integrity and refused to lag behind because of pressure, demands, or ingratitude. Strong and determined yet gracious and godly are the qualities we witness in those we will study in this lesson.
Every student needs to adopt four strategies to make sure the truth takes root in his or her life: make a personal commitment, become a loyal student of the Bible, practice the truths of Scripture, and share Christ with someone else.
When you do something wrong, it is no one’s fault but yours. You can’t blame your parents, your friends, your co-workers, or anyone else. You are ultimately responsible for your actions.
This Easter, celebrate the Resurrection of the Saviour with Pastor Chuck Swindoll. Discover how Jesus’ Resurrection is no mere hoax but is, instead, the foundation upon which God invites you to build your life and to rest your hope.
In his immortal work on the martyrs done in the 16th century, John Fox listed some of the epitaphs that appeared in the catacombs beneath Rome. Fox found other epitaphs on non-Christian graves. The difference is remarkable! So what accounts for the difference in these inscriptions? One word—resurrection!
No effort we make to achieve something great for God is promised perpetual success. Why? It's all too easy for the slow, silent slip toward spiritual erosion to cool our love for God and diminish our effectiveness for the kingdom. In this special message, learn not only how to prevent erosion in your life but also how to deepen your intimacy with God in a way that will overflow to others.