Crucial Questions: Gaining Biblical Insights
Scripture has a depth unlike any other book, offering endless insights to discover and learn. But how can we read it in a way that uncovers all it has to offer?
Insights magazine is designed to encourage, inspire, and instruct you in your journey of faith. Produced by Insight for Living Canada this free monthly publication is enjoyed by thousands of people across the country.
Scripture has a depth unlike any other book, offering endless insights to discover and learn. But how can we read it in a way that uncovers all it has to offer?
When a new year begins, it can feel like you’re headed into open seas—excitement mixed with uncertainty, adventure coupled with the unknown. How can we chart our course for this coming year?
God’s Word is a mirror for the soul, reflecting what needs to change. As James warns, hearing it isn’t enough—real transformation comes when we act on it.
From Genesis onward, the threads of “light” and “darkness” illuminate profound truths about God, salvation, and His people, weaving meaning into the story of Scripture and our lives.
Father, thank You for the accounts of Scriptures’ ordinary people who followed You faithfully. I seek Your help as, together, we write my story of faithful devotion.
We simply cannot find a substitute for the family. God planned it that way. Nothing on earth comes close to the benefits derived from relationships revolving around our roots. Nothing.
Many believers have never been taught how to correctly interpret and apply Scripture, leading to misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and misapplication. What is the basis for accurate biblical application?
Jesus, the perfect example of humility and compassion, offers new life through His sacrifice and shows us how to live for God. His life is our guide beyond salvation.
My advice this Christmas? Allow the traditions of the season to stir you up by way of reminder. Allow the things familiar to point you to things essential.
Father, thank You for a model like Paul. He wasn’t perfect, but he had an enduring determination and he persevered through adversity. He pressed on, in season and out of season. Give me the tenacity to do the same.