Hippies and Yuppies
We can’t help but be affected for the worse by the cultural atmosphere of our times. However, living in God’s spiritual kingdom can’t help but affect and shape us too—only for the better.
Culture is the set of principles, values, behaviours, and beliefs characteristic of a particular group of people. We are all born and immersed in the culture of the world, which is opposite the culture of heaven.
Receiving Christ as your Saviour means you shift from the world’s culture to heaven’s culture. Your aim as a believer is now to learn as much about heaven’s culture as you can and, increasingly, live it out on earth.
We can’t help but be affected for the worse by the cultural atmosphere of our times. However, living in God’s spiritual kingdom can’t help but affect and shape us too—only for the better.
The pursuit of success can drag you down and lead you away from God’s Word and Spirit. Only by stepping away from life’s rat race will you begin to experience real success and satisfaction on God’s terms.
The man-made philosophies of materialism, hedonism, humanism, and fatalism are false foundations that will never bring contentment. Examine your lifestyle—are any of these philosophical foundations guiding your decisions?
“If it feels good, do it.” Six single-syllable words comprise the motto of this generation. God gave us the senses, but if pushed to a far enough extreme, we move into either heresy or perversion.
Virtually every week I come across folks who long for the simple life of yesteryear. But everything depends on one’s perspective.
Standing alone is tough. It’s easier to fit in, to be a people-pleaser. Look at your home, your work, your relationships and ask yourself, “Am I any different from the world?”
We become superstitious when we’re unsure about God’s truth. Superstition is bondage. It puts us in chains, enslaves us, and steals our joy. Christ came to set us free from this oppression.
If you have a smartphone or tablet you have the Bible right at your fingertips. And if you take the time to read it, the Bible will make all the difference in your life.
We think of promotions as a positive thing and they usually are, but promotions can also bring devastation to your integrity. Remember when you’re promoted it came by God’s sovereign grace.
The world system is at odds with God because Satan nurtures it. It’s a system designed to give us pleasure and distract us from God.