What Changes and What Doesn’t
Virtually every week I come across folks who long for the simple life of yesteryear. But everything depends on one’s perspective.
Culture is the set of principles, values, behaviours, and beliefs characteristic of a particular group of people. We are all born and immersed in the culture of the world, which is opposite the culture of heaven.
Receiving Christ as your Saviour means you shift from the world’s culture to heaven’s culture. Your aim as a believer is now to learn as much about heaven’s culture as you can and, increasingly, live it out on earth.
Virtually every week I come across folks who long for the simple life of yesteryear. But everything depends on one’s perspective.
People end up saying, “This is what this means to me” and “What’s true for you isn’t necessarily true for me.” If faith is only subjective, each person is right in what they believe, regardless of the Bible or of the belief of others.
Hope for our great nation rests upon independent thinking and individual effort. The revival of discipline, integrity, work, determination, and healthy pride is not a national matter but a personal one. Frankly—it boils down to one person, you.
Should I, as a citizen of earth and Canada, always demand my rights or is there ever a time when as a Christian I should sacrifice my rights? Does being a citizen of heaven ever overrule my rights as an earthly citizen?
Call me old-fashioned or idealistic if you wish, but my passionate plea is that we unearth and restore the importance of character. It’s been buried long enough. It belongs first on our list when searching for employees in the workplace.
Environmentalism, as a movement, is an alternative worldview to Christianity. Environmentalists are generally evolutionists, or pantheists, and believe that there is no personal Creator.
Egalitarianism used to mean that all people are equal with respect to social, political, and economic affairs. But today, socio-political philosophy says all people are equal and deserve equal treatment in all things, and inequality must be removed.
We also have racism because we live in a sinful world that has taught us to compare the outward differences. We also have racism because we live in a sinful world that has taught us to compare the outward differences.
God created us and gave us principles to live by in His Word. Ignoring Him and these truths as Marxism does only results in death and destruction. This man-made ideology has always failed to bring about good in our world and always will.
What works in the game of football works in the church as well. But in the ranks of Christendom, it’s easy to get a little confused. Change that: a lot confused. When you say “church” today, it’s like ordering a malt...you’ve got 31 flavors to choose from.