The Legal Swamp
But, you see, that’s what brings about the joy of gratitude...receiving what we don’t deserve. When that happens, humility replaces pride. A thankful spirit cancels out arrogance. Mercy flies in the face of resentment.
Culture is the set of principles, values, behaviours, and beliefs characteristic of a particular group of people. We are all born and immersed in the culture of the world, which is opposite the culture of heaven.
Receiving Christ as your Saviour means you shift from the world’s culture to heaven’s culture. Your aim as a believer is now to learn as much about heaven’s culture as you can and, increasingly, live it out on earth.
But, you see, that’s what brings about the joy of gratitude...receiving what we don’t deserve. When that happens, humility replaces pride. A thankful spirit cancels out arrogance. Mercy flies in the face of resentment.
Since organ donation was not done in Bible times, the Bible says nothing about it. So, we find some Christians in favour and some against it as they try to decide how to answer this question by applying biblical principles.
Are you an eagle-type, soaring to heights beyond your peers? Do you find yourself bored with the maintenance of the machinery...yawning through the review of the rules...restless to cut a new swath...excited rather than intimidated by the risks?
Today, as Canadian Christians struggle with increasingly secular pressures, Insight for Living remains a beacon of trustworthy interpretation and application of God’s Word.
The role of government in carrying out justice also entails passing and upholding just laws for the good of the community and protecting the needy. Government is to seek, serve, and promote the common good of the people, not the good of the rulers.
Circumstances are ever changing, like the comings and goings of the tide. But a Christ-centred life is rock solid—it's the only way to live.
I believe Christians should be concerned about the environment—valuing it as much or more than others do. We should be the best environmentalists because of creation’s relationship to God.
Being alert and discerning, basing one’s opinion on the absolute truth, is a sign of maturity, a mark of excellence in a life. But pasting labels on people and churches and schools with only partial facts, feelings, and opinions to back those statements up is worse than’s un-Christian.
The criminal is now the hero, sadly misunderstood and mistreated. The victim is the selfish sadist who decides to press charges because he is bigoted, rash, or confused. The cold, hard facts are softened and slanted by the semantic footwork of slick political pawns.
Mankind is neither guaranteed nor promised anything in this life except trouble and death. Some the Lord wills to be rich, some poor, some male, some female, some black, some white. That’s not inequality. That’s diversity.