Love and Apathy
When we treat others with indifference we are making an announcement to them, declaring, “I don’t love you.” Towards whom are you apathetic?
When we treat others with indifference we are making an announcement to them, declaring, “I don’t love you.” Towards whom are you apathetic?
Walking by faith is risky, and the greater the risk the greater our need to trust God. When we trust the Lord we discover how reliable and trustworthy He is.
In the midst of trials we have the greatest opportunity to encounter the risen Jesus…if we have eyes to see.
Walking by faith is never boring; in fact we can become kind of infectious. Each day we have an opportunity to draw others closer to Christ by living out the Gospel.
When we face “impossible tasks” we can choose to give up or become inspired by the challenge.
We can live a few weeks without food, a few days without water, but we can’t live long without hope.
The story of Jesus doesn't end with the cross or even the grave in which He was laid. He is risen! He overcame death and continues to live.
Our world has become impersonal—and we’ve become uninvolved and reluctant to serve others. And yet, it’s in helping others we find the key to a fulfilled life.
Although difficult, we need to learn to wait for God’s timing with patience and contentment. Worry is worthless. God knows our needs, and He can handle them.
Only when we face the facts of the horrors of Jesus' death can we fully appreciate the price that was paid on Calvary.