Resource Library

Reading the Bible Through

Proverbs 23:12

It’s probably true that most North Americans have at least six copies of the Bible in their possession—and that doesn’t count digital copies! We’re blessed with the freedom to read and own the Bible, but often we take the Bible for granted. Why not read through the Bible this year?

Love, Loans...and the Money Crunch

The first 13 verses of Nehemiah 5 shine a spotlight on a dismal financial fiasco involving the workers. This problem caused the project to grind to a temporary halt while their leader guided them to a godly solution. Though our own tasks today are different, problems and difficulties will surely find us, and wise leaders will need to know how to handle them.

Discouragement: Its Causes and Cure

As we turn to Nehemiah 4:9-23, we find Nehemiah’s work crew discouraged for the first time since the project of rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem began. But what caused the discouragement? How did Nehemiah handle it? The answers to these questions apply directly to the discouragement many leaders face today.

The Skeptical Intellectual

Romans 5:1-5

Perhaps you’re a skeptic. You don’t believe in miracles, only in science, logic, and absolutes. The good news is Christ doesn’t ask you to check your brains at the door when you come to know Him personally. Just the opposite—you gain insight and knowledge through the Holy Spirit!
