Resource Library

A Smiling Face

John 5:24

When you imagine God’s face...what do you see? If you visualize anger, you’re wrong. All God’s anger at sin was poured on Christ at the cross. This means if you’re in Christ, you’re free from God’s wrath because of Christ’s death and resurrection.

Your Brook is Dried Up

Author John Bunyan was in a seemingly hopeless situation when he penned Pilgrim’s Progress, a book still impacting lives today...300 years later. Whatever tough stuff you’re dealing with remember God is with you, working through you, in His perfect timing and in His perfect way.

Refusing to Blend

Philippians 1:27

God is looking for men and women whose hearts are completely His. He wants to use you—you are uniquely placed in your situation to reach people for Christ in your sphere of influence. Never underestimate the difference you can make simply by refusing to blend in. The way you live can help someone find God.

God of the Fly

2 Kings 1

Have you ever wondered about the name, “Baalzebub?” The name is comprised of two Hebrew words—Baal meaning “lord or god,” and Zebub meaning, “to move here and there quickly,” referencing flies.

First Impressions

Beginning days are often the hardest ones. Chuck Swindoll says, “How do we learn consistent faith? We learn it one day at a time. We learn it through endurance.” He’s right. As you walk into a new situation, don’t lose heart. It’s just one more opportunity to grow and learn and trust.

Every Promise in the Book is Mine?

Mark 16:15-18

Someone did the math and figured there are 7,474 promises in the Bible. Are they all for you and me to claim? Chuck Swindoll says there are two kinds of promises in the Bible: personal and universal. Learning to discern between the two is the challenge.
