A Leader—From the Knees Up!
Discover the power of prayer with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he tells how communion with God makes you wait, clears your vision, quiets your heart, and activates your faith.
Discover the power of prayer with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he tells how communion with God makes you wait, clears your vision, quiets your heart, and activates your faith.
Restoring a relationship takes courage and humility, but it’s the right thing to do. Making things right is always worth it.
Just because there isn’t physical violence in your home doesn’t mean there aren’t strained relationships. But hope is not lost! Relationships can be restored and parents, this starts with you.
Greed is a desire for more. More power, more pleasure, more money, more stuff. But the more greed in your life the more it robs you of peace, joy, and contentment.
Begin your journey into the book of Nehemiah with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he looks to this leader’s example. Explore the qualities that made Nehemiah a man of character and apply his example to your own life!
Pride stinks! The problem is, the proud person is the only one who doesn’t smell it. You can put pride into perspective by recognizing you’re reliant on God for every breath you take.
Everything we have is a gift from God and once you learn to appreciate what you’ve been given, giving back is a natural response. Generosity increases contentment and instead of striving for more, you enjoy what you have.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll wraps up this series on grace by concluding that, while God loves unity, he doesn’t demand uniformity. Understand how you can extend grace to others even amid differences.
We meet all sorts of people on our path. Some we meet only briefly, and yet God uses seemingly insignificant events to shape us. The people we meet on our path leave us forever changed, and we do the same for them.
Here’s a principle for life: Relationships are built on trust and trust is built on truth. Tell the truth.