Five Tips for Processing Change
God has wired us to find comfort, security, and identity in the familiar, the routine, our customs and traditions. Losing them or changing them can throw us off balance and that’s uncomfortable.
Fear is what we feel when we're aware of a real or imaginary danger or a threat. While there are legitimate daily concerns about things like health, safety, and relationships, we cannot dwell on our fears.
Behind fear is the basic assumption that God isn't involved in our situation for our good. Looking at things from that perspective, our nature is to think and respond to things apart from God in the picture.
The Bible tells us over and over to not fear. God's answer to our fears is to have confidence in His control and care. “For I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you’” (Isaiah 41:13). Centre your thoughts on Him. He's not only involved He's in control. He can be trusted to be working for our good. You can commit your fears to Him because He cares about you (1 Peter 5:7).
God has wired us to find comfort, security, and identity in the familiar, the routine, our customs and traditions. Losing them or changing them can throw us off balance and that’s uncomfortable.
It is time we speak up in defense of the helpless. The innocent victims of sexual abuse need a safe place to share their stories...and they need direction toward the emotional and spiritual healing found in Jesus Christ.
Sensing the troubled hearts within His disciples, Jesus calmed the men with tranquil words that turned their thoughts toward a place of safety and love—the presence of God in His heavenly home.
When we live God’s way, we experience the Fruit of the Spirit in good times and bad. Because it’s a supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit, this fruit is not tied to things of the world, emotions, health, or anything else.
In our new coronavirus world, being together has become a rare and treasured experience. As the “invisible enemy” named COVID-19 continues its relentless march around our world, we remain apart to curb its spread.
Complete knowledge doesn’t exist here on earth. I’m going to have to learn to live with unanswered questions and choose instead to act with grace and live in faith that one day I will know the whole story.
Esther’s commitment to God and ability to do what seemed impossible gave me hope. My weight problem seemed small compared to what Esther faced. If she could do what needed to be done, so could I.
Worry. The nagging sense that your world is spinning out of control. Feeling hopeless and powerless to overcome. Oppressed by circumstances, addicted to anxiety, and running on empty.
Rather than lamenting our culture’s failure to acknowledge our great and powerful God, let’s turn our full attention to Him who is enthroned above us, who reigns over us, because He alone is our shalom, shalom.
Fear. Ever met this beast? Sure you have. It comes in all shapes and every size. Fear of failure. Fear of heights. Fear of crowds. Fear of disease and death. Fear of rejection. Fear of unemployment.