The Power of Small Talk
Often, God does spectacular work on our ordinary days—one conversation, one cup of coffee, one troubled soul at a time.
Many of us want to share or pass on our faith to our kids, our grandkids, our friends, and any others God brings across our path. But when we think carefully about it, do we understand what we’re trying to achieve? If not we can easily and unwittingly undermine our efforts.
Because faith in Christ isn’t about morality, doctrinal precepts, or church traditions, sharing our faith is not about passing on a set of morals, doctrines, or church traditions.
Instead, we want to pass on love for the Lord. By changing our question from how do I pass on my faith to others? to how do I live so as to cultivate a love for Christ in others? we shift our focus.
Often, God does spectacular work on our ordinary days—one conversation, one cup of coffee, one troubled soul at a time.
Satan uses the weapons of lies and deception to attack, blind, and hold people. Engaging in evangelism means engaging in spiritual hand-to-hand combat for the souls of men and women, boys and girls.
Christ died for us to give us eternal life. How can we not show grace and compassion to others knowing this? Compassion is a direct result of accepting Christ into our hearts.
I’m going to say it straight: If you are a believer and you are not actively participating in fulfilling the Great Commission, you are not obeying the Lord’s calling on your life.
How long would it take to evangelize the world if we were to actually do what Jesus said and if each year every disciple made another disciple who made another disciple?
“Remember,” I told Al, “You’re the radio man. I’m the preacher man.” Allowing the Lord to guide us to the right people...and then trusting Him to guide them is an essential part of what has made us grow.
The same power that first pushed up the mountains moves within the simple words of the Gospel: Jesus died for sinners and is alive today. Believe in Him, receive His forgiveness, and follow Him into the life God intended.
Few things are more clearly set forth in all of Scripture. This single prediction is woven through the teachings of Christ, especially during His final months of ministry, as well as the writings of the apostles.
I think a lot of us would say we desire to be wise. For me it’s true—I want to be a wise person. But often I suspect deep down I don’t mind not being wise so long as others’ perception of me is that I am, in fact, wise.
You can make a difference. And because you must. Count on the Lord to honour and multiply your best efforts, even though they may seem small. Last time I checked, He was still rewarding faithfulness.