Hearing the Voice
The Bible isn't just ink on a page, but a conduit of the Spirit. It is not ours to dissect, summarize, manage, or control. It presides over us. With Lectio Divina we read smaller amounts and take more time to do it.
Time for a pop quiz. What is a disciple?
Answer? None of the above. Surprised? Don’t be! Never has a word been so overused yet so misunderstood. Although the topic of discipleship has been overworked, it is an under-applied concept. We all have probably heard a lot about discipleship. But if the truth were known, most of us still are not discipling others or being discipled ourselves. Most of us are still spectators when it comes to ministry. That is not only unwise and unhealthy, it is unbiblical. Let’s focus our attention on what the Lord said in His Great Commission in Matthew 28:16–20. Let’s learn what it means to live as a true disciple.
The Bible isn't just ink on a page, but a conduit of the Spirit. It is not ours to dissect, summarize, manage, or control. It presides over us. With Lectio Divina we read smaller amounts and take more time to do it.
However, the past few months have made me wonder: if I was given a death sentence would I have the same level of peace and assurance as my grandmother?
One might naturally assume that Christians wouldn't have to be told to study their Bibles. But that is not the case. Here are 10 reasons Christians give for not reading and studying their Bibles (in no particular order of importance).
Hidden in Scripture are vaults of priceless wisdom that can be hard to find if you're preoccupied or in a hurry. But godly truth is there, awaiting discovery.
“I know I should never question those God placed in authority of the church, but I'm starting to feel exhausted always trying to measure up to their standards. It never seems like I can do enough or be enough.”
Go ahead…tell me what's eating away at you,” I urged. “Well, I don't know how I should say these things, Chuck. But I can't just ignore them either. The fact is, I'm concerned.
God provides redemption from our sin and a fallen world through the death of Jesus Christ. Embracing Christ as Saviour and Lord is the foundation for successful parenting.
It seems like last Wednesday you graduated from kindergarten with a Life Saver dangling from your cardboard hat. I congratulate you on waiting until the final prayer to crunch that candy.
One of Satan's greatest lies is that there is no urgency in life. He fools us into thinking there will always be plenty of time in the future to explain to our little ones about God, salvation, and the Bible.
We are to walk humbly with God on the path of justice and compassion. We are not allowed to privatize our faith and care only for our backyard. A social conscience extends compassion and justice to all.