God IS Fulfilling the Great Commission! Are You Doing Your Part?
I’m going to say it straight: If you are a believer and you are not actively participating in fulfilling the Great Commission, you are not obeying the Lord’s calling on your life.
Time for a pop quiz. What is a disciple?
Answer? None of the above. Surprised? Don’t be! Never has a word been so overused yet so misunderstood. Although the topic of discipleship has been overworked, it is an under-applied concept. We all have probably heard a lot about discipleship. But if the truth were known, most of us still are not discipling others or being discipled ourselves. Most of us are still spectators when it comes to ministry. That is not only unwise and unhealthy, it is unbiblical. Let’s focus our attention on what the Lord said in His Great Commission in Matthew 28:16–20. Let’s learn what it means to live as a true disciple.
I’m going to say it straight: If you are a believer and you are not actively participating in fulfilling the Great Commission, you are not obeying the Lord’s calling on your life.
How long would it take to evangelize the world if we were to actually do what Jesus said and if each year every disciple made another disciple who made another disciple?
Although the word “guide” can be used in a down-to-earth way such as guiding a cart (2 Samuel 6:3), in Scripture its most frequent usage is filled with greater spiritual and providential significance.
Peter’s transformation from a rash fisherman in the Gospels to a bold witness for Christ in the book of Acts boils down to one Person—the Holy Spirit.
It’s tragic, but not inevitable. We can resist depravity’s dangerous undertow by anchoring ourselves to God’s grace—daily, especially when we’re growing in our faith.
The same power that first pushed up the mountains moves within the simple words of the Gospel: Jesus died for sinners and is alive today. Believe in Him, receive His forgiveness, and follow Him into the life God intended.
What I saw missing from my ministry was balance. While it was important for me to be there when someone needed me, it was also important for me to spend time alone with God because I needed Him.
In this conversation, the two longtime friends discussed the timeless treasure of the Bible and Chuck’s growth as a preacher throughout the years.
You may not have thought about it before, but Christians have a lot more in common with soldiers than we might think.
Nothing—absolutely nothing—pulls a team closer together or strengthens the lines of loyalty like love. It breaks down internal competition. It silences gossip. It builds morale.