The Ultimate Motivation
Love is the greatest thing in the world because it is the ultimate motivation. Scripture reveals this truth in John 3:16.
The Christian life is difficult sometimes, isn't it? God asks us to leave behind our selfishness and devote ourselves to Jesus Christ in the service of others. This journey has a clear beginning and an even clearer end, but its path is littered with dangerous obstructions and precarious curves. Thankfully, its destination provides lasting, eternal rewards.
Chances are you have experienced the difficulty of losing your way on the journey. We've all been tempted to stray, to step away from the fundamentals of authentic Christian living toward the more immediate fulfilments we desire for ourselves. But God calls us to a life devoted to studying the Scriptures, to prayer, and most important, to knowing Christ Himself.
Let these resources remind you that the goal isn't just reaching our heavenly destination but walking closely with Jesus as we get there.
Love is the greatest thing in the world because it is the ultimate motivation. Scripture reveals this truth in John 3:16.
Momentous transitions do not come often in life. When one occurs, it’s like standing on a mountain bluff overlooking a sprawling valley below.
When a new year begins, it can feel like you’re headed into open seas—excitement mixed with uncertainty, adventure coupled with the unknown. How can we chart our course for this coming year?
God’s Word is a mirror for the soul, reflecting what needs to change. As James warns, hearing it isn’t enough—real transformation comes when we act on it.
Jesus promised our eternal inheritance and the Bible records it. The royalties are vast beyond our wildest dreams. Believe it!
The pressures of life can seem overwhelming. Sixty-hour workweeks. Razor-thin balances in the chequebook every month. Children who demand unending boundless bursts of energy. You’ve been there? Me too.
There are Christians who pour themselves out to serve others to the point of burnout or breakdown. They believe that when it comes to their Christian service “It is better to burn out than rust out!” But they’re so burnt out you can smell the smoke!
The reality is that it is not an either/or issue of trusting God to act or us acting alone. It is a both/and issue of trusting fully and acting wisely according to God’s revealed will in Scripture.
God in His grace is patient with us. He’s definitely not out to whack us every chance He gets. But as believers who walk in relationship with Him, we should expect to see some positive outworking of our faith in our lives. It’s in that spirit that we aim for an attitude of praise.
Haven’t we all looked at our lives at times and thought, “Can anything be made of this mess?” On the outside, at least, life at times looks bleak and chaotic. It often looked that way to people in the Bible.