Laughter Therapy
I’ve learned you don’t need to be happy all the time—or even have a great sense of humour—to receive the benefits of laughter.
I’ve learned you don’t need to be happy all the time—or even have a great sense of humour—to receive the benefits of laughter.
The words used for healing in Scripture refer to both physical and spiritual healing. The very idea of healing presupposes an undesirable condition of ill health or brokenness in mind, body, or soul.
Together with your support, we are providing excellent biblical teaching programs and resources so the Spirit of God can take the truth of God’s Word and bring healing to sin-sick souls.
James’ advice isn’t just for people who possess great riches; it’s just as applicable to the pauper in Christ as to the prince.
Our hearts need to line up on this: everything, including all we are and have, is God’s. The question we ask is not, “How much of my money should I give?” but, “How much of God’s money should I keep?”
Doing acts of kindness feels great as well as it makes the world or another person’s day a bit better. So I wonder why being kind isn’t second nature to me.
I’m not going to talk about what you should do when the plate is passed. Rather, I want to talk about what you might do before and after that time.
Many pastors offer easily accessible, appealing content. But it hides a weak gospel. The teaching may look tasty and easy to swallow, but it’s shallow—a meal with no nutrients.
"Grace" in the Bible refers to the free, unmerited favour of God. It refers to the favour or kindness given to those who can never deserve it or earn it by anything they do or refrain from doing.
As you give your prayer and financial support to Insight for Living Canada you are an agent of grace in the spreading of God’s Word in our country. Insight for Living Canada is your partner in fulfilling God’s mission.