Learning from "the Least of These"
The first time I met him I thought he was dead. Lying halfway in a merge lane with his legs twisted awkwardly beneath was Barry—stinky, toothless, and quite possibly dead, Barry.
Insights magazine is designed to encourage, inspire, and instruct you in your journey of faith. Produced by Insight for Living Canada this free monthly publication is enjoyed by thousands of people across the country.
The first time I met him I thought he was dead. Lying halfway in a merge lane with his legs twisted awkwardly beneath was Barry—stinky, toothless, and quite possibly dead, Barry.
How do we sift and sort truth from error? Do we all have to be biblical scholars in order to avoid falling into deception and error? And how do we respond to error?
Think of some who taught you. Consider the lifelong value of their investments. My head spins when I do so. Because of good teachers, my entire world expanded from tiny to titanic.
Besides suffering being difficult physically, emotionally, and spiritually the fact that it often appears to have no rhyme or reason, and appears meaningless adds a measure of psychological suffering.
Someone has defined failure as succeeding at something that doesn't really matter. Are you passionate about things that last? I hope so.
Over the years, though, I've come to realize it's important to be honest with our children when they ask those hard questions that don't have straightforward answers.
If you have experienced the spiritual mountaintop you are probably also familiar with the spiritual valley. These low places can be emotionally taxing and sometimes takes the form of discouragement, or even depression.
Many Christians assume that doubt is the opposite of faith. It isn't. Unbelief is the opposite of faith. And somewhere in between faith and unbelief lies the realm of doubt.
It's becoming increasingly more popular to operate in the black and white world of facts…and, of course, to leave no space for the miraculous.
The problem we have with anger is the motivation behind it, how we express it, and how we direct it. These determine whether our anger is right or wrong.