The Life to Come
Thoughts about heaven cover a wide spectrum ranging from spiritualized notions where heaven is a mindset rather than a distinct reality, to where heaven is materialized with physical features and a physical location.
What words come to mind when you hear the term theology? Dry…Dreary…Doubtful…DULL? You’re not alone.
Too often we don’t realize that theology—thinking about God—is an intimate part of our everyday lives, rather than something that takes place in ivory towers crowded with bearded men crouched over dusty books. We each engage in theology because we each have a set of beliefs about God. But rather than being content with our ideas about God as they now stand, we should each have a desire to know God better than we do today. If you’ve got that desire, then you’re ready to do theology!
Let these resources point the way to a faith more deeply connected with who God actually says He is.
Thoughts about heaven cover a wide spectrum ranging from spiritualized notions where heaven is a mindset rather than a distinct reality, to where heaven is materialized with physical features and a physical location.
To go somewhere new, of course, it’s necessary to know where we are.
Once we understand that sin and death have been companions since they entered the world through Adam’s disobedience, we can then begin to see the different destinations of those who believe versus those who do not.
Let this sink in: our obedience in this life matters now and counts forever. Life in heaven will echo with the consequences of the lives we lived on earth.
He is coming back. What a difference it will make!" It is remarkable, when you stop and get specific about it, how many things we take for granted will suddenly be removed or changed drastically. Think about that.
This inductive study is designed to create a better understanding of heaven. For the next 30 days read the questions and allow them to spark deeper personal reflection and life change.
Fear. Ever met this beast? Sure you have. It comes in all shapes and every size. Fear of failure. Fear of heights. Fear of crowds. Fear of disease and death. Fear of rejection. Fear of unemployment.
I've been told that Jesus died for my sins. What does that mean exactly? How could the death of Jesus help me get to heaven? What does the death of Christ save me from?
Just beneath the soft, newborn skin of this beautiful story is the flesh and bone of a theological truth that is older than creation: God planned to send a Saviour long before time began.
Reading the Bible is unlike anything else because it is a book unlike anything else. Here are five ways to get the most out of your Bible reading and five tips for learning to observe Scripture.