Here and Now, Then and There
I’ve always known what I did in this life mattered on the other side of death. But despite years of theological training, the connection between the two has only recently become clear to me.
The death of a loved one can sneak up on you and surprise you unaware. Other times, you may know it’s coming and have time to prepare for it. Either way, the result is the same...the outcome is final. That person you love is now missing from your life. Jesus assured us in John 11:25-26 of eternal life in heaven for all those who belong to Him. Those comforting words give us hope for the future...but in the short term, grief can feel overwhelming.
It’s possible you may even be reeling from the after-effects of someone who chose to take his or her own life. If so, you may be dealing with anger toward the one you miss so much—as well as struggling with many lingering, unanswered questions.
You can be assured that Jesus Christ will never leave you. He sees every tear and hears every desperate cry, and His love and comfort are everlasting.
I’ve always known what I did in this life mattered on the other side of death. But despite years of theological training, the connection between the two has only recently become clear to me.
Thoughts about heaven cover a wide spectrum ranging from spiritualized notions where heaven is a mindset rather than a distinct reality, to where heaven is materialized with physical features and a physical location.
Once we understand that sin and death have been companions since they entered the world through Adam’s disobedience, we can then begin to see the different destinations of those who believe versus those who do not.
I've been told that Jesus died for my sins. What does that mean exactly? How could the death of Jesus help me get to heaven? What does the death of Christ save me from?
And that’s what you were about, Dad. Memories. When I was a lad, I loved to sneak up on you and watch what you were doing when you didn’t know I was there. That’s when you became my hero, I suppose.
The teaching of Jesus and the apostles is unmistakable. Heaven is for those who have been saved from their sin by trusting in Jesus. Heaven is not a mythical place for all people regardless of their background.
Besides teaching God is perfectly loving Scripture also teaches God is perfectly just. His justice is that characteristic by which He gives everyone that which is due—reward or punishment.
Those whose lives are marked by illogical, outrageous joy seem to display five characteristics that form an acronym for GRACE.
Since our Lord is sovereign, not only are our times in His hands, so are all our possessions and all the people we love. Releasing our rights to Him includes the deliberate releasing of our grip on everything and everyone.
Late on a Tuesday in August the text message came. “Mom had an aneurism. She's in a coma. Not expected to live 24 hours.” We were on a remote island and even a float plane wouldn't get us back in time.