When God Surprises Us
With every surprise and opportunity God also brings answers for our fears, objections, and defences. Here are four promises God’s answers offer us.
With every surprise and opportunity God also brings answers for our fears, objections, and defences. Here are four promises God’s answers offer us.
We can use a lot of energy and resources in our lives to build up our internal sense of worth or to form an identity for ourselves. Who we believe we are defines how we behave.
As we contemplate Someone so vast and deep it will expand our souls and minds more than a person who simply focuses on things of this world. It will drown our pride and humble us in its immensity.
Those who successfully wage war with silent heroism under relentless secular pressure—ah, they are the saints who know what it means to be melted.
God did not give us His Word to satisfy our curiosity; He gave it to change our lives. Can you name a couple of specific changes God has implemented in your life during the past six or eight months?
We’re prone to treat the Bible like a textbook and we’re cramming for a test. We know how to read, analyze, colour code, timeline, and graph the Scriptures, (all good!) but meditation is a neglected skill.
When you hear something nearly true, or partly true, it’s easy to accept it as true. That’s the thing about deception: sometimes it’s hard to spot, as small as uneasiness or something not sitting quite right.
When facing tragedy or enduring long months of drought, it’s easy to shut down and go through the motions until you don’t feel so vulnerable.
The Holy Spirit within us encourages us to follow God’s will over our own desires. He leads our heart according to the truth of God’s Word. Even as He’s constantly shaping and moulding our hearts through the power of His Spirit, we are to follow Him.
Our habit of looking back in life’s rear-view mirror can put us on a collision course. We can lose sight of God’s steadfast grip in our life.