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The prophecies of Jeremiah offer us a unique insight into the mind and heart of one of God's faithful servants.

Read more about the book of Jeremiah.

Messages on this Scripture

Jeremiah: Weeping, Warning, and Waiting

Jeremiah wasn't the brightest among the prophets; Isaiah held that distinction. And the book of Jeremiah isn't the most difficult to understand—that award probably goes out to Ezekiel. Neither is Jeremiah the most influential (that’s Daniel) nor the most notorious—Jonah, without a doubt—or even the most to be pitied (hello, Hosea). But of all the prophets, for sure, Jeremiah was the most heroic.

God's Hands on Human Clay

In God’s Hands on Human Clay, Chuck Swindoll explains the treasured truth that most Christians overlook as the unknown future approaches: God is sovereign. Even though the future remains unclear, we can be certain nothing touches our lives unless it has first flowed through the “moulding” fingers of our loving God.

Invisible Providence

Jeremiah 29:11

Just because you can’t see God doesn’t mean He isn’t there, continually at work in your life. You may not understand what He’s doing but never doubt it—you are the object of God’s concern. And you can trust that His plan for you is perfect.
