Resource Library
Not to Worry...He’s Risen!
When John arrived, he stopped at the entrance and looked inside. Peter ran straight into the tomb and was shocked by what he saw. Joining Peter inside the tomb, I like to think that John whispered, “He’s alive!”
The Church That Compromised the Truth
Tragically, the church at Pergamum, in the midst of satanic opposition, dulled the edge of its effectiveness through doctrinal and moral compromise.
The Most Reliable Source
God has given us His Word and it has stood the test of time. The Bible is the most reliable of all sources.
The Invisible Battle
Preserving the Bible is worth fighting for. Even though it was written thousands of years ago it’s still relevant because it’s alive. God’s word convicts, comforts, and teaches.
The Emancipation Proclamation
Because Christ has set us free we’re no longer slaves to the power of sin. It’s a difficult concept but that’s what grace is all about.
Esther: Courageous and Obedient Queen
Esther, a courageous and obedient queen, dedicated her life and actions to the Lord and He used her to save a nation. Through her story we learn how to face life’s difficulties with grace and trust Him to make things right in the end.