Beyond the Broadcast: Your Smile Increases Your Face Value
Joy prompts healing—both physically and emotionally. In this poignant letter of friendship and faith, the Apostle Paul advocated for a lasting joy to undergird the life of all believers.
Joy prompts healing—both physically and emotionally. In this poignant letter of friendship and faith, the Apostle Paul advocated for a lasting joy to undergird the life of all believers.
Centuries ago, God directed Paul to write a letter of exuberant joy—a letter that transcends time and culture.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll makes a bold statement based on Philippians: a life without joy isn’t God’s will! The good news is that believers don’t have to drum up feelings. Instead, we live by the Holy Spirit who works within us.
If you need warm encouragement, a cheery boost of joy, a happy and hopeful word to lift your spirit, you’ve come to the right place. Philippians has this all and more! Free from complicated and knotty problems, these 104 verses offer authentic reasons to be thankful, joyful, and contented.
Father, thank You for a model like Paul. He wasn’t perfect, but he had an enduring determination and he persevered through adversity. He pressed on, in season and out of season. Give me the tenacity to do the same.
Starting is always easier than finishing, which is why follow through is a reflection of character. Besides, God doesn't quit on us, so why should we give up when the going gets tough?
God is looking for men and women whose hearts are completely His. He wants to use you—you are uniquely placed in your situation to reach people for Christ in your sphere of influence. Never underestimate the difference you can make simply by refusing to blend in. The way you live can help someone find God.
When times are tough it’s easy to get lost in self-pity. But instead of dwelling on your problems, think about others. When you choose to help others even though you’re struggling you are choosing to rise above your situation. You’re choosing victory instead of defeat.
Join Chuck Swindoll as he helps seminary students navigate things that enhance their years at seminary.
The story of Mary and Martha is not meant to exalt contemplation above action, but to indicate the proper way to serve Jesus. This is by prioritizing Him and His Word. It is about the duty to listen to Jesus and the Word of God.