The following mini-study is presented to familiarize you with Pastor Chuck’s method of Bible study and provide an opportunity to study the passage yourself.
“Nothing is more Christian than walking humbly with our God.” —Pastor Charles R. Swindoll
In this study, we’ll pinpoint four characteristics of humility that John the Baptist modelled as we learn how to walk humbly with our God.
Prepare Your Heart
What does it mean to be a humble person? Ask the Lord to help you learn true humility as you open His Word and study John’s example.
Turn to the Scriptures
In John 1:6, the spotlight suddenly swings from Jesus to John the Baptist. In so doing, the gospel writer draws a dramatic distinction between Jesus, who “was God” (John 1:1), and John, “a man” sent by God (1:6).
Observation: John’s Mission, Role, Acclaim, and Beliefs
Observe John 1:6–8, noting the contrasts between John the Baptist and Jesus. How did the gospel writer describe who John was and who he was not?
What was John’s central mission?
According to John 1:19–23, what specific roles did John not fill? What role did he fill?
As the spokesperson for Christ, John baptized people in the Jordan River as a sign of their repentance. When questioned by the Pharisees (John 1:25), what characteristics of John’s humility do you see in his response to them in 1:26–29?
As an admired leader and authority figure, what temptations do you think John may have battled?
John’s ministry grew, and so did his fame. Soon, the itinerant wilderness preacher had his own congregation. John’s disciples worried that Jesus’ growing ministry would overshadow John’s. According to John 3:25-29, when John’s disciples asked him about it, how did John respond, and what does his response reveal about his character?
The downpour of public adulation could have waterlogged John’s humble spirit with pride. According to John 3:30, what perspective about himself and Jesus kept his pride in check? How do you see this statement forming a basic rule of life for John?
Interpretation: Principles of Humility from John’s Example
Review the key verse from each section above and write a principle that begins with the phrase, “A truly humble person should...”
The Man and His Mission—John 1:6–8
God sent a man, John the Baptist…John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light (John 1:6, 8).
Principle: A truly humble person should...
The Role and Its Temptations—John 1:19–27
“I am not the Messiah…I am a voice shouting in the wilderness…I’m not even worthy to be his slave and untie the straps of his sandal” (John 1:20, 23, 27).
Principle: A truly humble person should…
The Public and Its Applause—John 3:25–29
“I am filled with joy at [Jesus’] success” (John 3:29).
Principle: A truly humble person should…
The Basis of John’s Humility—John 3:30
“He must increase, but I must decrease” (John3:30 NASB2020).
Principle: A truly humble person should…
Correlation: The Fruit of Our Devotion to Christ
Paul noticed some fellow church leaders “preaching out of jealousy and rivalry” (Philippians 1:15) and motivated by “selfish ambition” (1:17).
According to Philippians 1:18, how did Paul avoid the competition-and-comparison trap?
According to Philippians 1:21, what did Paul believe?
How did Paul’s devotion help him stay humble?
True humility flourishes in our devotion to Christ and crowds out the weeds of envy and jealousy.
“’He must increase, I must decrease.’ That’s not a motto we hang on the wall; we live it.” —Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Application: Humbly Living Out Our Devotion to Christ
Let’s tie up our study with four characteristics of John’s true humility that we can emulate.
- Accept your God-given role, including your limitations. Understanding what you are meant to do and not do in life helps you be realistic and humble about your limitations.
- Resist subtle temptations to be someone you’re not. John rested in his God-given role on this earth—the sidekick, the follower. Likewise, God made you to be you and not another. You have a unique role to fulfill on this earth.
- See God’s hand in another person’s success and rejoice over it. You avoid envy and jealousy when you humbly delight in the well-being of others.
- Fully commit to exalting Christ and wholly submit yourself to Him. The motto, “Jesus must increase, I must decrease”, is the cardinal secret, the only foundation on which you can build a humble life.
Which of these characteristics resonate with you today? How? Which one do you truly need to embrace the most?
How can you occupy yourself with Christ today? What praise can you offer for one of His amazing attributes?
Rather than talking about yourself, your problems, or your circumstances, begin your trek toward humility by sharing these praises with someone. Others will notice Christ increasing in your life without even realizing that you are decreasing at the same time.
A Final Prayer
Father, broaden my vision of the greatness of Christ. Draw me nearer to Him so that He alone fills my view and I can see nothing else but His glory, His beauty, His grace. Help me to consider every event in my life as tribute to Him and an opportunity for me to give Him praise. Help me to grow in humility so that I may decrease in order that Christ can increase in me. In His name I pray, amen.
Go to insightforliving.ca/humility to download the full-length Searching the Scripture Study and listen to Pastor Chuck’s message.