Resource Library
The Suffering Church Under Attack
Suffering and hardship, as experienced by the church at Smyrna, are hard to bear but purify God's people.
Take Heed, Lest You Fall
Erosion is never sudden. It happens over time as you change your standards and accept things once rejected. Erosion can happen in anyone’s life.
Rose Petals and Posies
When we acknowledge God is in control (not us) it makes a difference in how we live...and in how we die.
Bible Basics: Life and Power of Biblical Animation
What about our mentoring, counselling, and discipleship? If we believe Scripture is powerful, we ought to make it central to any solution we offer. Is our confidence in methods, systems, theories, and philosophies, or is our confidence in God’s Word?
Alluring and deceptive baits are everywhere. The Internet, television, magazines...and you may feel like you’re the only one not giving in. But you’re not alone! Commit to purity!
The Church with Everything but the Greatest Thing
John records Christ's evaluation of the seven churches listed in Revelation 1:11.
Old John
Because of God’s grace Christians live a different life, a holy life. Holiness is a lifestyle of integrity and moral excellence.