Resource Library
Bible Basics: Canonization and Choosing the Books of the Bible
Historically, it was important for the people of God to determine which books God had inspired and authoritative. Inspiration indicates how the Bible received its authority, whereas canonization tells how the Bible received its acceptance.
It's All About Me
The “it’s all about me” attitude may be cute on a child, but it isn’t so cute on adults. Selfishness isn’t something we outgrow as we age. It takes a conscious effort to put others before ourselves.
Husbands, Love Your Wives
Mature love doesn’t grow cold over the years. True love is long term; it doesn’t give up. That’s how Christ loves us.
The Final Seven Super Bowls
Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains how things go from bad to worse as people move further away from the true source of life. Nevertheless, God’s plan for the future will run its course and will lead to His grand finale—just as He ordained.
Guard Your Leisure
When you’re faced with temptation, Scripture makes it clear that the best strategy is to run. Whatever it is, just say “no” and get out. It works.
Trust Him
Do you need to have everything make sense all the time? What do you do when it doesn't? In this month's Video Insight Chuck Swindoll challenges you to trust God even in the tough times.