Act Medium
What can we learn from the rules of a kids' clubhouse? Chuck Swindoll challenges us to be “right-sized” in this month's Video Insight.
What can we learn from the rules of a kids' clubhouse? Chuck Swindoll challenges us to be “right-sized” in this month's Video Insight.
As we look to the future, I know that we can continue relying on God’s grace to lead and guide us. And I’m confident God will provide amazing staff to do the tasks necessary to help the ministry grow and develop.
Love is patient and kind, it’s not jealous, it doesn’t brag, love isn’t proud. Love never gives up on people—it never quits.
For too long, Christians have regarded serving Christ as a heavy burden. Because that attitude is so widespread, Christians often put on grim, gloomy, whipped, and weather-beaten faces when a pastor mentions the word serve.
If you know Jesus Christ and you’ve heard the truth then you know it has got to be shared. If you give it away, the message stays fresh.
Sometimes we see justice here on earth, but many times we don’t. However, God always acts justly. He will not and cannot ignore sin.
We all know love is important to marriage. But how much thought do we give to grace in marriage? It can make all the difference in a relationship.