
The Integrity of Righteous Resistance

The following mini-study is presented to familiarize you with Pastor Chuck’s method of Bible study and provide an opportunity to study the passage yourself.

“Peter and John are classic examples of integrity at work with great courage, for without courage, integrity simply lies dormant.” —Pastor Charles R. Swindoll

Our world is growing increasingly hostile toward Christians and the values we hold. Resisting the decadent tide on any level of our culture is getting more and more risky. In many places around the world, suffering Christians hide from hostile, earthly authorities and fear for their lives. We are getting a taste of the world’s hatred that Jesus told us to expect.

“If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.” (John 15:18–19)

Walking with integrity through this kind of adversity and resisting earthly authorities takes Spirit-empowered courage—the kind Peter and John demonstrated when they became targets of the first ever government-sponsored persecution of Jesus’ church.

Prepare Your Heart

Begin this Searching the Scriptures Bible Study on righteous resistance by joining through prayer with persecuted believers around the world. Ask the Lord to strengthen them and you through your trials.

Turn to the Scriptures

On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on believers to boldly expand Jesus’ ministry on earth (Acts 2:1–42). Peter and John’s first miracle looked just like one of Jesus’ miracles. The religious authorities couldn’t help but notice the resemblance.

Observation: Peter and John Carry on Jesus’ Ministry

What miracle did Peter and John perform according to Acts 3:1–11? What details did the biblical author want to impress upon his readers?

The miracle proved Christ’s resurrection, for only faith in a living Christ could heal the lame man. According to Acts 4:1-4, how did these temple watchdogs react to Peter declaring the Gospel?

The high council of the Jews, the Sanhedrin, gathered the next day to interrogate Peter and John. In Acts 4:5-7, what techniques of intimidation and coercion do you observe?

Not many weeks before, Jesus was on trial before this same group at Caiaphas’ house. Then, Peter was filled with fear (Matthew 26:69–75). According to Acts 4:8–12, what changes do you observe in Peter’s confidence?

What judgments did he pass on these “judges”? From whom did Peter draw his authority?

In the author’s comments in 4:13, what specific qualities in Peter and John did the council observe?

According to Acts 4:14-22, what order did the council give, and how did Peter and John respond?

How effective was Peter and John’s response on these men who tried to stop the unstoppable spread of the Gospel?

Interpretation: The Characteristics of Spiritual Courage

Based on your observations, write three principles under the themes below that the author of Acts would have wanted his persecuted readers to live by.

Christians can have confidence when persecuted because...

Christians can speak with authority when persecuted because...

Christians can act with effectiveness when persecuted because...

Peter and John could resist the authority in the religious systems of their day with confidence because they believed in Christ who held supreme authority and they trusted in the effectiveness of the Spirit’s power.

“We don’t face the Sanhedrin, but we do face people who want to ‘cancel’ us because we believe in eternal things. Take courage to respond like Peter in Acts 4:20, ‘We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.’” —Pastor Chuck Swindoll

Correlation: “We Must Obey God”

According to Acts 5:17-21, what happened when Peter and John were imprisoned again for ministering in Jesus’ name at the temple?

God’s angelic jailbreak demonstrated His greater authority. The religious leaders raged, “We gave you strict orders never again to teach in this man’s name!” (5:28).

What response did Peter and the apostles give in 5:29–32?

Whether religious or secular, man-made systems may try to pull rank on us but, like the apostles, we answer to a higher, true authority who has set us free and holds the keys to life! We can boldly declare with the psalmist:           

“I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
What can mere mortals do to me?” (Psalm 56:11)

Application: Righteous Resistance in Your Sphere of Influence

What pressure do you feel to conform to the world’s ways of thinking and behaving? What is the context of that pressure—family, work, community?

Each of us has an opportunity in our sphere of influence to take a stand for Christ. Even quoting Acts 4:12 can spark controversy in some circles: “God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved”—the name of Jesus Christ!

In what is your confidence? Who is your true authority? What faith do you have that your actions will be effective?

Not much has changed since the days of Peter and John when Christians were forced to choose between God’s authority or earthly authority. Take into your world the principles they modelled and see the influence God’s Spirit can have through you today.

A Final Prayer

Father, thank You that nothing can separate me from Your love. Not trouble. Not calamity. Not persecution, danger, or even death. I cling to Your promise: “Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us” (Romans 8:37). Help me learn righteous resistance when facing earthly authorities and man-made religious systems. Help me live free today. In His name, amen.

Go to to download the full-length Searching the Scripture Bible Study and listen to Pastor Chuck’s message.