Priorities Refined
What kind of faith can blossom in a country closed to the gospel? Ney Bailey says it’s the kind that makes people willing to sit and wait six hours for a Bible teacher to arrive to teach them.
What kind of faith can blossom in a country closed to the gospel? Ney Bailey says it’s the kind that makes people willing to sit and wait six hours for a Bible teacher to arrive to teach them.
Over the course of my lifetime, I have witnessed numerous changes in the broader culture. Unfortunately, not all have been for good. If Christians hope to make an impact in this world, it’s imperative that we first understand it.
As Christians, we must focus on making a lasting impact for good—influencing others without resorting to force or other means of control. The crucial question is how? Jesus’ answer in Matthew 5 is still the best.
This inductive study is designed to create a better understanding of finding and giving encouragement. For the next 30 days read the questions and allow them to spark deeper personal reflection and life change.
Chuck and Ney discuss where a life of faith comes from. Taking God at His Word doesn’t mean we’ll never be fearful, but as we face fear with faith and see God act, our faith grows.
We can read Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in 15 minutes or less. No teacher or preacher has ever packed more truth into such a brief period of time. Our hope in this study is to glean a few fresh, practical insights that will enable us to stay on course in living lives that are distinctively different.
Chuck Swindoll introduces us to his old friend, Ney Bailey, who has served God faithfully in ministry since 1961. God called her to minister for a time behind the Iron Curtain.
Of all the sermons that have been preached, none is more famous, more profound, or more convicting than the one Jesus preached on the mountain. It is timeless, ever-relevant, and never dull.
This month, we’re calling on our listeners to partner with us to fulfil the Great Commission. We want to share the Good News of Jesus Christ from coast to coast.
Here are four practical suggestions for those times when someone or something delivers a kick while you’re down.