Self-absorption is a dead end, which will never bring happiness or fulfilment. It’s only through the pursuit of knowing God we discover true contentment. And once we know God we’re equipped to truly know ourselves.
Self-absorption is a dead end, which will never bring happiness or fulfilment. It’s only through the pursuit of knowing God we discover true contentment. And once we know God we’re equipped to truly know ourselves.
Before the soldiers came for Him in Gethsemane, Jesus let us eavesdrop on His talk with the Father. It is truly “the Lord's Prayer.” Found in John 17, it is one of the most remarkable and longest intercessions in all of God's Word.
I’m talking about the shift regarding tolerance. Tolerance has become the cardinal virtue, the sole absolute of our society.
We live in an age of relativism—the belief that every point of view is as valid as any other point of view and an individual is the measure of what is true for that person.
Join Chuck Swindoll in exploring this life-transforming prayer of intercession by Jesus Christ. Chuck helps you to enter this quiet scene and learn what was utmost on Jesus’ heart in the hours leading to His death.
Chuck Swindoll examines a prayer Jesus prayed for His disciples and everyone who would follow Him in faith. You will learn not only the meaning of Christ’s words but enter more deeply into fellowship with Him as you realize He was praying for you!
Being together in unity is indeed good, “like precious oil,” as David put it in his psalm. Not just being together, but being together in unity. As we shall learn from the ancient account in Joshua, when God is in the midst of His unified people, they are invincible.