This inductive study is designed to create a better understanding of acceptance. For the next 30 days read the questions and allow them to spark deeper personal reflection and life change.
Acceptance is choosing to let go of things we cannot control. We are not God and cannot control time, our heritage, birthplace, past mistakes and sins, or how others think, believe, or behave. We can’t control the fact that weakness, frailty, and imperfection are part of the human experience. What we can control is our acceptance of these things.
- Read Psalm 139:13-16. What will it take for you to believe God is infinitely wise, knew what He was doing, and did it for your good when He made you?
- Read Jeremiah 17:9-10; John 3:16. God knows you intimately, including your sinfulness, yet loves you unconditionally. How can this be a radical and transformational truth?
- Read Psalm 139:17-18. God created and knows you completely. What is your response to this? Why is being thankful for how God made you important for accepting yourself?
- Read Exodus 4:10-12. Moses was insecure about his speaking ability. What is God’s response to his and your insecurities? How does that help you accept yourself?
- Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-8. Paul had a limitation. What was his initial response to this? Why is it OK to ask God to change things we find difficult to accept?
- Read 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. When God didn’t remove the limitation, what was His response to Paul? What can you learn from this and apply to your limitations?
- Read Ephesians 2:10. As a person in Christ, God says you are His masterpiece. How does God’s perspective affect your perspective and how you accept yourself?
- Read Romans 12:3. You are to think of yourself honestly and truthfully—the way God thinks of you. How will thinking this way help you to accept who you are?
- Read Matthew 22:37-40. What does it mean to love yourself as Jesus says? What are some ways you can show yourself kindness and compassion?
- Read Matthew 22:37-39. What is the connection between loving and accepting yourself and your ability and capacity to love your neighbour?
- Read Psalm 103:8-12. If you’ve repented of your sin God has forgiven you. Why is forgiving yourself important for accepting yourself and accepting others?
- Read Galatians 6:1-5. What is the connection between accepting your past failures and showing understanding and acceptance of others who fail?
- Read 2 Corinthians 10:12. What does Paul think of comparing and contrasting ourselves with others? What does comparison result in and how does it relate to acceptance?
- Read Romans 14:14, 20. Christians develop different convictions regarding non-moral behaviours. What are the differences between matters of command and matters of freedom?
- Read Romans 14:1-12. What things are believers told not to do when it comes to non-moral debatable issues? Can you think of areas where you have judged believers who differ?
- Read Romans 14:1-12. What are some non-moral and debatable issues today and what are you to do regarding them? How can you do this and allow others the same freedom?
- Read Romans 14:3-23; James 4:11. What reasons are you given as to why you are to accept and not judge or condemn other believers with different convictions?
- Read Romans 15:7. What are we commanded to do and for what motive? Why is it crucial to keep God’s glory rather than happiness as your primary aim in relationships?
- Read Romans 15:8-9; Colossians 3:11-14. How were Jews and Gentiles different? How does Christ’s ministry to them exemplify what it means to accept one another?
- Read Romans 2:11; 15:8. Is God’s acceptance of you based on your performance or His grace? What is the basis for your acceptance of other believers?
- Read Colossians 3:12-13. What kind of faults might other believers have? In light of these faults what three things does being a part of God’s holy people require of you?
- Read 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. Are you to accept those into fellowship who are in unrepentant sin? Where is the balance between accepting sinners but not those in sin?
- Read Luke 10:30-36. How does this story show non-acceptance of the unfortunate by the religious people and acceptance by the Samaritan? To which are you more similar?
- Read Philippians 2:3-4; 1 Peter 5:5. What attitude is required to accept others? Why is recognizing you are not better or worse, just different, than others critical to accepting them?
- Read John 4:1-9; James 2:1-13. Prejudice undermines acceptance. What prejudices do you have and what steps can you take to keep prejudice from letting you accept others?
- Read Romans 1:18-25. The world differs in beliefs about God. Acceptance has been redefined from acknowledging different beliefs to now embracing them as true. Why doesn’t this make sense?
- Read John 17:17. As one who believes in the truth of God’s Word can you accept as true other beliefs that are contrary to God’s Word? Where does discernment come in?
- Read Matthew 5:43-48. If you accept others who have different beliefs about God should you expect tolerance in return? Can you accept that? How should you respond?
- Read Luke 6:37; 10:25-37. Is it loving to allow false beliefs to go unchallenged? If you are called to love, how do you challenge false beliefs without being judgmental?
- Read 1 Peter 3:15; 2 Timothy 2:23-26. How well do you know what you believe? When you are given the opportunity to share your faith how do you do it?