Acing the Devil's Tests
Listen in to learn how Jesus passed the test and let His example give you wisdom and strength for those times when Satan puts you to the test.
Listen in to learn how Jesus passed the test and let His example give you wisdom and strength for those times when Satan puts you to the test.
When John the Baptist appeared on the scene to introduce Jesus, he didn’t charm his audience with a message filled with rainbows and sunshine. Frankly, John was brash and insulting! Why did this biblical prophet come across so hostile and angry?
Building up others means to edify, encourage, and uplift them so they will be strengthened inwardly to persevere despite difficulty. Encouragement seeks to infuse difficulty with meaning. Without that sense of meaning, hope and the will to go on fades.
John the Baptist was odd. He wore clothes made of camel hair and his diet included locusts and wild honey. So what do we make of this eccentric personality? Be sure to listen when Chuck Swindoll describes this strange preacher and his strong proclamation.
Need a friendly reminder not to focus too much on the things you own in this life? Chuck Swindoll gives a description that will probably stick in your memory for a while.
There is no other way to overcome Satan’s lies, just as there’s no other Name by which people can be saved. If you feel the same spiritual conviction I feel, will you remember Insight for Living Canada as a part of your giving in February?
Many think the Spirit’s sole responsibility is to perform miracles, like when Peter commanded the paralyzed man to walk. But these miracles do not occur in the everyday lives of most Christians.
God does not lead His children through superstition. So, believing that’s true, just how does God speak to us about His will? Chuck Swindoll demonstrates the biblical model through a message about Joseph and Mary.
Our population has heard the Christmas story so many times that all too often the facts are entirely misconstrued. Chuck Swindoll debunks some of those common notions in a message based entirely on the biblical record.
Well, just for some tongue-in-cheek fun, I’d like to take the opposite tack. I’m going to tell you how to waste your time. That’s right, if you follow this advice, you will make absolutely no progress this year. Guaranteed!