The Matter at Hand
Begin your journey into the book of Nehemiah with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he looks to this leader’s example. Explore the qualities that made Nehemiah a man of character and apply his example to your own life!
Begin your journey into the book of Nehemiah with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he looks to this leader’s example. Explore the qualities that made Nehemiah a man of character and apply his example to your own life!
Nehemiah discovered Jerusalem’s desperate need and then brought it before God in prayer. It is highly significant that the first place we find this great leader is on his knees. Leadership requires prayer.
The common denominator with every type of opposition thrown at Nehemiah were the strategies of prayer, purpose, and perseverance. The enemy of our souls wants us to stop praying, lose sight of our goal, and to stop working
In the book of Nehemiah, I found seven essential skills that today’s Christian leaders can use as stones on which to build their own strategy for leadership.
Christian leaders with character continue to be in demand. Ezekiel recorded God’s plea for leaders who would “stand in the gap before Me for the land,” but, tragically, He “found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30).
Nehemiah was a man who saw a need—a need to travel from his home in Babylon and rebuild the destroyed walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah couldn’t do this alone; he needed the king’s support. And with much prayer, he approached the king and received the backing he needed. What Nehemiah didn’t realize was his toughest tasks were still before him.
When most folks hear the term leader they think of presidents, pastors, teachers, and CEOs. But very few think of themselves. And yet, it’s true. You are a leader.
Nehemiah was known and respected for his diligence as a contractor and builder, while his contemporary, Ezra was a dedicated scribe and priest.
Discover the power of prayer with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he tells how communion with God makes you wait, clears your vision, quiets your heart, and activates your faith.