Spiritual Blind Spots
In his sermon on Matthew 14:34–15:20, Pastor Chuck Swindoll goes deep into the topic of spiritual blindness. Learn how to overcome spiritual blindness with the light of God’s truth.
In his sermon on Matthew 14:34–15:20, Pastor Chuck Swindoll goes deep into the topic of spiritual blindness. Learn how to overcome spiritual blindness with the light of God’s truth.
Let’s dive into the scene of Matthew 14:22–33 with Pastor Chuck Swindoll and allow this perfect picture of discipleship to fuel our faith as we set our eyes on our Lord who is worthy of all our trust and worship.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll exposits Matthew 14:13–21 to give us a clear-eyed view of our great God who uses our impossible situations as great opportunities to display His own glory.
What does forgiveness mean, and what does it not mean? Chuck Swindoll cautions us to release any bitterness that haunts us today by totally forgiving our offenders.
When you send support to Insight for Living Canada this month, you are wisely stewarding the resources God has entrusted to you because you are using them to reap eternal dividends.
Matthew 14:1–13 contains one of the most shocking and gruesome stories in the pages of Scripture. Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores the events of Herod Antipas’ salacious and self-flattering birthday party, which led to the beheading of John the Baptizer.
Please pray for us at Insight for Living Canada as well. If you haven’t recently donated to our ministry, please consider doing so today. We’ve never felt a greater urgency to press on in accomplishing Jesus’ mission.
Caleb persevered in his walk with God because he remained confident in God’s provision. He didn’t waver. He stayed focused and knew the goal. With an attitude of fortitude, Caleb received God’s promise.
Crucial instruction for our day flows from this short passage in Matthew 13:53–58. Pastor Chuck Swindoll places you into the scene to give you a fresh glimpse of Jesus’ nature and what we should anticipate from our hometown and family as we follow Him.
By His grace and in His power, Christ is using our ministry of proclamation to bring people to Himself and to help His people grow and find rest for their souls.