Caring Enough to Confront
Explore with Pastor Chuck Swindoll how to restore a relationship so you can thrive in Christian community while journeying through a world marked by so much division.
Explore with Pastor Chuck Swindoll how to restore a relationship so you can thrive in Christian community while journeying through a world marked by so much division.
From the virgin birth to the death and the Resurrection to the soon-coming of Christ, the plan of Almighty God is packed with innovation and creativity. It had never been done before. It will never be done again.
In this sermon on Matthew 18:1–14, Pastor Chuck Swindoll unfolds the remarkable truths Jesus taught us using the simple yet powerful example of a little child.
Because every believer receives a gift to do ministry, every believer is a minister. Let that sink in. It’s significant. Too often people think only the pastor is the minister when in reality the church is full of ministers.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll mines the deep treasure of Jesus’ words to help you live in private and in public as a selfless follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sometimes we’re not quite sure what to say to someone who’s going through a tough time. Chuck Swindoll says that massive doses of this will make a great start.
I believe you support Insight for Living Canada because you understand the importance and urgency of the task. You know that apart from hearing and obeying the truth of God’s Word, people will be lost.
In this sermon you'll gain insights you need to keep alive and active the truth you learned from those mountaintop moments, the moments when you caught a fresh glimpse of God.
Hilarious generosity begins with contentment. It’s being satisfied with and grateful for all we have and are able to experience. We must understand what contentment is...and what it is not.
Spiritual movement is either forward or backwards. There is no middle “maintenance” mode. We might feel like we are maintaining a holding pattern but we are in fact slipping backwards.