Secrets of a Nurturing Home
No matter what kind of home you came from, it is not too late to start doing right in that all-important parent-child relationship.
No matter what kind of home you came from, it is not too late to start doing right in that all-important parent-child relationship.
God’s power through the Holy Spirit accompanies this message and we witness the miracle of changed lives. We see the sinners transformed into saints, the lost into the found, and the broken into the healed.
How automatic is prayer in your life? Chuck Swindoll gives a shining example of someone whose life was immersed in prayer, day and night.
Of all the bad habits we could address, few are more prevalent yet more acceptable than lying. And few are more destructive to our relationships and our integrity. As painful as it may be to hear, we’re a nation of liars.
People don't always give marriage the time it needs to grow and mature. Instead, we give up on the pattern God instituted and look for quick fixes and easy outs. Paul reminds us that there is a better way.
When people treat us unfairly, we want to get back at them in some way. But when we take the high road and don’t give in to our desire for revenge, the blessings are immeasurable.
When you accept Christ as your Saviour you have someone who is always your advocate; always in your corner. And when you forgive those who hurt you, you model Christ. And you become a little more like Him.
Ephesians 5:22-6:9 presents unfamiliar, often unexplored territory in the oceans of marriage.
In Greek the word is “koinonia,” and means a deep level of sharing life in harmony and unity. Fellowship is fulfilling and satisfying.
When you do something wrong, it is no one’s fault but yours. You can’t blame your parents, your friends, your co-workers, or anyone else. You are ultimately responsible for your actions.