Forgive...and Sing the Song of the Soul Set Free
Is there an offense you can’t forget? Write down that hurt, bring that paper to the cross, and etch FORGIVEN across it. Ask your Lord to fill the holes in your heart and help you press on.
Is there an offense you can’t forget? Write down that hurt, bring that paper to the cross, and etch FORGIVEN across it. Ask your Lord to fill the holes in your heart and help you press on.
With inspiration from the Psalms, Pastor Chuck Swindoll reflects upon the results of love for God. Realize how loving God means experiencing His power, receiving His peace, embracing His forgiveness, and welcoming His will.
We live in a world where the line between right and wrong, truth and error is blurred. Add to that biblical illiteracy and an embrace of postmodernism and you have a culture based on secular thinking where self is exalted above all else.
We live in a world that says there is neither right nor wrong, and only relative truth. To avoid being swept along by postmodernism you’ll need the discernment and direction found in the Bible.
Loving the world means getting caught up in the attitudes and values that characterize our world...things that can lead to addictions and destroy you spiritually, physically, and emotionally. But that doesn’t mean you’re supposed to live in isolation and live a plain, drab life.
Call me old-fashioned or idealistic if you wish, but my passionate plea is that we unearth and restore the importance of character. It’s been buried long enough. It belongs first on our list when searching for employees in the workplace.
Draw near to the goodness of God as Pastor Chuck Swindoll shines a light on His attributes from passages in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel. Don’t focus on finding yourself; instead, find Him!
A cross around a neck, an “ichthus” fish on the back of a car, a well-crafted sermon. None of these is the mark of a Christian—it is love. Like the old song says, “They will know we are Christians by our love.” Honest, transparent love.
You may be tempted to isolate yourself from the world but we’re meant to live in it. People need to see the reality of Christ in you. The answer’s not isolation, it’s insulation.
The reality is that it is not an either/or issue of trusting God to act or us acting alone. It is a both/and issue of trusting fully and acting wisely according to God’s revealed will in Scripture.