Dear friend,
I enjoy the outdoors and a few years ago I bought a compass. It was only after I’d had it for some time I realized it was backwards! Whoever made it did so incorrectly—the painted part of the needle pointed south. North was actually south! Had I really needed to depend on it I would have been in big trouble.
I also have a motorcycle. And for the first few years of driving, I would cruise down the highway while other vehicles zipped past me. I came to learn my speedometer was off. It says I’m going faster than I’m actually going! The good thing was it kept me from getting speeding tickets (plus I got great mileage).
I have two other words for you: fake news. We live in a day of falsehoods, a time some call the post-truth era. Some people blame giants such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, while others blame the mainstream media. It’s hard to know if what we are hearing is true or if it has been slanted, biased, or spun.
These examples have something in common. They are false in some way and have a standard against which they are measured. That’s how we know truth from error.
The same is true for our lives. When Adam sinned and brought all humanity into a sinful condition, we lost the capacity to know the truth about God, the world, and ourselves. Our spiritual compass became distorted; our spiritual speedometer became inaccurate.
In fact, the Bible says our entire being has been affected by sin. Consequently, left to ourselves, we don’t think, believe, or behave as God desires. And we see this more and more in our world. What used to be right is now called wrong, and what was once wrong is now called right.
If we are ever to live true to how God designed, we need to know what to believe and how to behave. That’s why God gave us the Bible.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16–17)
There is nothing more important than knowing and living out God’s Word. That is why we believe what we do at Insight for Living Canada is crucial. And your partnership with us is essential.
When you come alongside us prayerfully and financially, together we will be teaching people what is true and what is false. We cannot understand God, His world, and spiritual things apart from Him telling us the truth in His Word.
We will be helping people realize what is right or wrong. Scripture makes us aware of when our beliefs or behaviours are wrong and need to be changed.
We will be providing correction for people when they have gone wrong. Scripture straightens us back up so that we can again live by God’s standard.
Finally, we will be teaching people to do what is right. God’s Word guides us positively into paths of living that please Him.
All of this happens every day as we, undergirded by your prayer and financial support, proclaim God’s inspired Word across this country.
Join with us again this month in bringing Canadians a compass to live by—the truth of God’s Word.
Thankful for God’s Word and you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Send your financial gift to Insight for Living Canada and help provide Canadians with God’s truth for their lives.