Suffering and Injustice
One day God will judge all people for the injustices committed. But for now, God is patience with us and so the injustice on earth continues. Even though His judgment is delayed, it’s more certain than tomorrow’s sunrise.
One day God will judge all people for the injustices committed. But for now, God is patience with us and so the injustice on earth continues. Even though His judgment is delayed, it’s more certain than tomorrow’s sunrise.
In our study of David, we have come to the crossroads in his pilgrimage from the sheep to the throne…from an Israelite fugitive to the highest office in the land. And it is a death that altered David's direction—the death of King Saul.
Take a close look at yourself as an employee. Do you do your best at work, or are you a sluggard? Pursuing excellence is a rare commodity in the workplace, but as Christians it’s what we are called to do.
As we continue to faithfully seek Him day-by-day, week-by-week, and month-by-month, let us not grow weary and like Hudson Taylor be strong and courageous remembering the Lord our God goes with us and He will never leave or forsake us.
Marriage is through the hard times, when the fun and games have passed. When you stand together like steers in a blizzard, Ephesians 5 makes sense in a whole new way.
True commitment doesn’t change with shifting fortunes of life or with the ebb and flow of feelings. Commitment is a promise made once for all time and then confirmed by the daily decision to stay rather than leave.
Several lessons emerge from the story in 1 Samuel 27 as we learn from David's cloudy days and dark nights.
No matter who you are or where you are—regardless of what you have been through, what you are going through, what is going on around you, or what is going on in our world—you can live a meaningful life of faith aimed after the heart of God.
It’s a waste of energy to fight the inevitables of life. The attitudes you fill your mind with will shape how you respond to life, so choose godly attitudes like joy, humility, encouragement, forgiveness, and love.
While money and wealth are not evil, the love of money leads to emptiness and disaster because you’ll always strive for more.