Resource Library

Living by Faith

Colossians 2:6

Think of all the ways you act in faith every day: you trust pharmacists to fill your prescription correctly, you trust pilots to get you safely to your destination, and you trust contractors to build properly. The funny thing is, when it comes to having faith in the Creator, people are often amazed at the thought of believing in a God we can’t see.

Lincoln's Mother

Psalm 34:11

Abraham Lincoln’s childhood is legendary. Born into poverty with a travelling father and a simple mother who taught him to read and died when Lincoln was 10. Take a moment to ponder the question: where would Lincoln be without his mother?

We have an incredible opportunity to shape our children no matter our situation.

Living Happily Ever After

We have always been fascinated with stories—especially the ones beginning with those same four words “Once upon a time…” and ending with “And they all lived happily ever after.” Oh, that it were true! Living happily ever after only happens in fairy tales. Wish instead for a full life, one that's satisfied, godly, balanced…and reasonably sweet.

Handling the Storms of Life

Calm evenings can turn quickly into stormy nights. What starts calmly as the beginning of a new school year can lead into storms of struggling to continue. What begins as a calm evening of marriage can lead into stormy nights through the passing years. No one is immune to these life surprises so make sure you’re anchored to the One who can come the storm.
