The Burden of Looking Good
We can use a lot of energy and resources in our lives to build up our internal sense of worth or to form an identity for ourselves. Who we believe we are defines how we behave.
The activity of bringing fears to mind, chewing them over, and creating mental worst-case scenarios is called worry.
Behind worry is the basic assumption that God isn't involved in our situation for our good. Looking at things from that perspective, our nature is to think and respond to things apart from God in the picture.
Jesus tells us to not worry (Matthew 6:25-33). If things in this world constantly distract your mind you are worrying. Worry doesn't help us, or solve anything. Instead, focus on God and His purposes.
We can use a lot of energy and resources in our lives to build up our internal sense of worth or to form an identity for ourselves. Who we believe we are defines how we behave.
Regardless of your age do not face aging with denial. Aging is not a choice but our response to it is.
Do we plan and make provision or do we just wing it, and hope for the best? Do I buy insurance or instead rely on faith that the Lord will provide? What about planning for the days when I no longer work and have an income?
We are imperfect people living among other imperfect people in an imperfect world. That has numerous effects.
Not having things go the way we want when we want is one of the toughest things in life we have to deal with. Prayers aren't answered right away, loved ones pass away, and bad things happen to good people.
Don't sweat the small stuff—in fact, the big stuff isn't worth the sweat either.
Besides suffering being difficult physically, emotionally, and spiritually the fact that it often appears to have no rhyme or reason, and appears meaningless adds a measure of psychological suffering.
If you have experienced the spiritual mountaintop you are probably also familiar with the spiritual valley. These low places can be emotionally taxing and sometimes takes the form of discouragement, or even depression.
Maybe you've felt the terrifying grip of fear, anxiety, and worry. Banishing these peace-stealers requires understanding and learning what the Bible teaches about them.
None can deny that money plays an enormous role in all our lives…even when we keep our perspective and steer clear of greed.