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The activity of bringing fears to mind, chewing them over, and creating mental worst-case scenarios is called worry.

Behind worry is the basic assumption that God isn't involved in our situation for our good. Looking at things from that perspective, our nature is to think and respond to things apart from God in the picture.

Jesus tells us to not worry (Matthew 6:25-33). If things in this world constantly distract your mind you are worrying. Worry doesn't help us, or solve anything. Instead, focus on God and His purposes.

Resources on this Topic

Pessimistic Thinking

1 Peter 4:1

If you’ve ever been in that muddy hole called the Slough of Despond, you can relate to Christian in The Pilgrim’s Progress. Despondency, or the pits, is really pessimism. It’s a gloomy, negative attitude, which often comes when we rely on ourselves instead of God. Whenever negative thoughts come knocking, don’t open the door. Instead, turn your thoughts to God.
