Distinguishing Truth from Error
The Apostle John's first-century command to "test the spirits" is also the biblical antidote to today's proliferation of religious error.
We battle the Devil. The Devil, also called Satan, was an elite angel who rebelled against God, seeking to steal His glory and usurp His authority. He became the commander-in-chief of a war against God so God cast him out of heaven with a minority of angels now known as demons. Satan and his demons operate by deceiving us, seducing us, blinding us, accusing us, and seeking to influence us in such a way as to defeat us and thereby rob God of His glory (Ephesians 6:12).
To be victorious we need four ingredients.
The Apostle John's first-century command to "test the spirits" is also the biblical antidote to today's proliferation of religious error.
Bravery is not just limited to war—daily life can be a battlefield. If you’re facing a tough situation requiring great courage don’t compromise on what you believe. The world needs people who are committed to standing alone for the truth.
Since heaven will be our ultimate destination, we need to spend less time complaining about our struggles and trials on earth, where we temporarily live, and more time learning as much as possible about heaven, where we will live forever.
When the rapture occurs, 1 Thessalonians 4 tells us that Christ is to bring the souls of those who have died from heaven to earth. He’s going to resurrect their bodies, and their souls will re-enter their bodies permanently in resurrection.
The spiritual battle waged around me is not always apparent but the Bible gives me insight to potential danger. Scripture says Satan uses people disguised as those who are righteous. His mission is to sabotage my relationship with Christ.
God has chosen to leave us on earth to proclaim the Good News to a lost and hurting world.
Stiffen your resolve! Paul gave us five steps to do just that. All that’s left is for you to answer one question—a question only you can answer. Are you willing to give God your very best?
Satan uses the weapons of lies and deception to attack, blind, and hold people. Engaging in evangelism means engaging in spiritual hand-to-hand combat for the souls of men and women, boys and girls.
Because Jesus triumphed over Satan through the cross, and we are in Him, we are no longer under Satan’s control, rule, or authority. We are beyond his reach forever.
Everyone struggles with some sort of weakness, deprivation, affliction, attack, or test from time to time. Jesus exemplifies how even in the face of such severe circumstances we can stand strong.