All Aboard! A Vision 195 Story
Now, to help fulfil Vision 195, Terry will be our lead trainer for pastors around the world who will, in turn, teach others. Terry will pass along methods based on the same ones he learned in his first seminary class.
A successful industrialist once addressed a large body of executives. Speaking on the topic “Following the Leader,” he emphasized two difficulties leaders often struggle with. First, leaders struggle with getting people to think—to really think. Second, leaders struggle with getting people to establish and maintain priorities. We all wrestle with doing things in order of importance. One of the reasons for this struggle is that we often don’t know what deserves our immediate attention. For ministry our first priority is clear: prayer.
Now, to help fulfil Vision 195, Terry will be our lead trainer for pastors around the world who will, in turn, teach others. Terry will pass along methods based on the same ones he learned in his first seminary class.
Chuck Swindoll teaches us how to press on through the unexpected, to find meaning above the anguish, and to turn to our Lord who loves us, strengthens us, and sees us through.
Filled with practical tips from his more than 50 years of ministry, Chuck Swindoll helps us tap into the special mercy we need from God to complete the ministry to which He‘s called us.
Join Chuck Swindoll as he helps seminary students navigate those difficult relationships and serve with wisdom and love.
Many pastors offer easily accessible, appealing content. But it hides a weak gospel. The teaching may look tasty and easy to swallow, but it’s shallow—a meal with no nutrients.
Through the three years the disciples learned from Jesus they watched Him calm storms, walk on water, and confront the religious establishment…all while casting His saving net into humanity’s sea.
In other words, protestants in Russia can now only speak of their faith on their church grounds. This includes Insight for Living Russia’s pastor, Peter Mitskevich, and the members of the church he also pastors, Golgotha Baptist.
Discipleship is more than just another church program. Jesus Christ has established discipleship as the method by which He plans to fulfil His mission to grow His church.
The most valuable lesson I have learned in ministry is that you can never be too small for God to use...only too big,” Carlos says. The Lord knows His plan for His followers!
“Remember,” I told Al, “You’re the radio man. I’m the preacher man.” Allowing the Lord to guide us to the right people...and then trusting Him to guide them is an essential part of what has made us grow.