O Holy Night
This Christmas season, let’s keep our heart and eyes on our Lord and Saviour by remembering His first coming on that Holy Night, and be encouraged that His second coming is imminent.
This Christmas season, let’s keep our heart and eyes on our Lord and Saviour by remembering His first coming on that Holy Night, and be encouraged that His second coming is imminent.
December is a vital time for our financial strength at Insight for Living Canada. Our gracious supporters often go beyond their regular giving by sending special “Christmas gifts.” Will you send one this December?
Somehow the joy of the season remains that one gift we don’t open. Why? We usually blame our condition on the commercialism or on those overcrowded shopping malls. But the real reason our joy stays wrapped up? Our selfishness.
God has wired us to find comfort, security, and identity in the familiar, the routine, our customs and traditions. Losing them or changing them can throw us off balance and that’s uncomfortable.
For more than a decade, Ben Mogos and his wife Anda have spearheaded our Vision 195 efforts of bringing Pastor Chuck’s Bible-teaching resources to Romania and Romanian speakers worldwide.
Our aim is to finish this month having reached a fundraising goal of $430,000. We stand on the threshold of a new year with new doors of opportunity open before us. Reaching this goal will help to seize the opportunities God graciously opens to us.
Nehemiah’s discernment helped him frustrate the plots of his adversaries. In the same way, God-given discernment can help us face intimidating circumstances in our own realms of leadership.
One of the most basic and helpful things in understanding the concept of God's will is to understand the Bible's distinction between what we call the moral will of God and the sovereign will of God.
Let’s consider Andrew Bonar’s example of perseverance, faith, and hopeful prayer. During this time when we need hope in the midst of chaos, remember Bonar’s words, “We can never hope for too much!”
So many start the Christian life like a lightning flash—hot, fast and dazzling. But how many people (aged 65 and over) can you name who are finishing the course with sustained enthusiasm and vigour?