Dear friend,
Life is often like your average drive to work.
Same route. Same stoplights. Same gas station. Same potholes. Same parking lot.
Sensationalism, however, is today’s standard. If something isn’t fantastic, amazing, astonishing, incredible...then it’s supposedly trivial...even cheap.
That view of the spiritual life, however, is deadly.
Be careful of this melodramatic impulse.
You don’t need “a miracle a day to keep the Devil away.”
Jesus won’t do the spectacular in your life hour by hour.
He often works quietly and slowly. But perfectly and deeply.
I just recalled this truth when I thought about the very first Easter. Late that afternoon, our risen Lord strolled alongside Cleopas and his friend to Emmaus.
He simply walked along with them. He talked with them. He later ate with them. He didn’t glow. No angels fluttered around him.
Nothing sensational. They didn’t even realize He was Jesus until God opened their eyes at the end of their encounter. But through that seemingly mundane evening, they were forever changed. They returned to Jerusalem and “began to relate their experiences on the road and how He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread” (Luke 24:35).
It’s during your average, day-to-day living—while on the road, at the table, in your bed, or taking a walk—when you’ll often connect with Jesus. What magnificent moments!
There He’ll touch your inner heart, calm you, quiet you, strengthen you, reassure you, comfort you, and occasionally correct you.
That is one reason Insight for Living Canada broadcasts daily...to help and encourage you to meet with and remain sensitive to Jesus day by day. We are not trying to entertain or bamboozle people to get their attention. Consistent time with God in His Word—that’s our hope and our invitation! The faithful generosity of our supporters empowers us to offer these daily moments with the Saviour. Please consider sending a donation today to help us sustain this ministry.
Never forget that Jesus Christ wants to spend time with you—every single day!
Daily recognizing His presence with you,
Pastor Charles R. Swindoll