Dear friend,
I saw a shirt the other day with the message, “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”
It gave me a laugh but it also made me think about right or wrong and true or false. I thought of words and phrases we’ve heard so much of in recent years: fake news, alternative facts, media bias, misinformation, disinformation, and spin.
What is truth? This is the question the confused and cynical Pilate asked when Jesus said, “…the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me,” (John 18:37–38 NIV).
In our day of rampant relativism when there seems to be more confusion about what is true than ever before, Pilate’s question rings even louder. It seems everyone has their truth that they deem is right and at least as valid as everyone else’s truth. Besides the confusion in our lives this creates regarding what is real or factual, trust is undermined, not just in media outlets but in the notion of truth itself.
It is helpful to remind ourselves of what the Bible says about knowing the truth. We are fallen people whose minds, wills, and emotions have been distorted by sin. Lying, along with many other sinful bents, is part of our sinful nature. God sent Jesus, the Truth, to redeem us from our false ways and to enable us by His grace to walk according to the truth of His Word.
In the midst of the uncertainty about truth in our world, it is reassuring to know that God’s Word is Good News, not fake news. It speaks of Jesus who is the Truth and who, despite the current confusion, is still transforming people’s lives. He is the Truth that matters and is the One against whom all other so-called truth is measured.
Our mission at Insight for Living Canada is to communicate biblical truth with excellence. In our programs and resources we strive to present the truth of Jesus and unpack what God says to us in His Word. Our aim is 2 Timothy 2:15, “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.”
The reason I am writing you and why you are reading this is because I know you love the truth of God’s Word and want that truth to continue to be proclaimed in Canada and around the world. We present the Good News, not fake news. Jesus said, “…teach them your word, which is truth,” (John 17:17). With your continued help we will keep doing this.
Can we count on you to continue to stand for truth and stand with us in its proclamation?
For the past 40 years we have broadcast Pastor Chuck Swindoll in Canada as he has explained God’s Word accurately, clearly, and with practical application. Countless lives have been transformed, marriages saved, and families blessed from generation to generation. It is Bible teaching you can trust.
With your prayers and financial support, together we will continue to share truth that works and truth that matters.
Grateful for you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Please send in your financial gift today to help proclaim God’s truth across Canada.